Hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park




About the Authors


Liz Etnier


Mike Etnier


Spring Wildflower Hikes in the Smokies


Gregory Bald




Schoolhouse Gap


Chestnut Top


Defeat Ridge


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Chestnut Top – March 12, 2008 –This is one of the earliest places where one can see spring wildflowers. The first ½ mile of sunny banks provides an enormous array of wildflowers, usually beginning in mid-March.  However, this year has seen a lot of very cold nights and days in the Smokies, and on this particular day we saw very few flowers blooming. Indeed, as we started up the trail, the bank of wildflowers had frost on it, and most foliage was wilted. We did see a very few Hepatica, chickweed, and spring beauty blooming. Most of the seersucker sedge along the way was in full bloom, but they were limp with the cold.




The trees are still bare, providing some wonderful views of Thunderhead Mountain as you hike a couple of miles up the trail.











There are several banks further up the trail that are covered with trailing arbutus, and  once again, this is about the earliest place in the Smokies to see the arbutus blooming. However, I only saw a few buds, and two plants that had open blooms.






Based on my notes from previous spring hikes, it appears that a large array of wildflowers were seen on March 28, 2007.  Time will tell if this spring weather will induce the flowers to bloom earlier or later on Chestnut Top.